Enterprise: Time to support Mac Users

The times they are a-changing. A new survey on IT professionals and executives by Forrester Research shows that Mac users are HEROs, or “highly empowered and resourceful operatives”. Where once the research group stood by the recommendation to not support Apple devices in the enterprise arena, they now see that many of the brightest and best insist on using Macs.

“Most of the Macs today,” writes Johnson, “are being freewheeled into the office by executives, top sales reps, and other workaholics. Forrester believes this is the same demographic that we’re now calling the “power laptop user,” and according to the latest Workforce Technology And Engagement Survey, power laptop users make 44% more money, use more collaboration apps, and carry an average of three devices wherever they go.”

So much so, that these power users are willing to purchase their own Macs because the Window’s PCs supplied by their firm are slowing them down.

I know what they mean. And while I have both, I, too, prefer my Mac.

Via: CNN.

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